DHNB 2024

Icelandic Centre for Digital Humanities and Arts

Official event website: https://dhnb.eu/conferences/dhnb2024/cfp/


The DHNB aims to support research, education, and the dissemination of digital humanities in the Nordic and Baltic countries. For over seven years, the DHNB conferences have brought together academics, researchers, students, librarians, archivists, curators and museum professionals interested in creating and using digitised and born-digital collections as research data in the humanities, social sciences and arts. The DHNB has matured both as an organisation and as a community, something which is evident in the extensive compilation of outputs (https://dhnb.eu/publications/). Our annual gatherings have consistently served as a forum to showcase digital research, methodologies, technology, pedagogy and practice at the intersection that exists between academic disciplines and cultural heritage institutions. With its present level of maturity, the DHNB is now offering an opportunity to reflect on the development of these approaches and share insights that have been gained along the way. 


One unique aspect of the DHNB community is the active involvement of professionals from libraries, archives, and museums alongside digital humanities researchers. In the DHNB 2024 call for papers, we would particularly like to place emphasis on sharing lessons learned from collaborative initiatives between academic and cultural heritage communities, something that is exemplified by the work of our conference host, the Icelandic Centre for Digital Humanities and Arts.

Topics of interest for the theme of DHNB2024 include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Lessons learned from collaborative projects across disciplines (DHSS: Digital Humanities and the Social Sciences, DHCH: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage), across GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) institutions, Digital Humanities and Arts infrastructures and programmes
  • Collaborative graduate programs and internships 
  • The role of DH support units in facilitating the use of digital collections and tools
  • Best practices in developing, maintaining and sustaining national and transnational research infrastructures
  • Strategies for learning from failures in collaborative initiatives


  • Lessons learned from creating and running DH programs in higher education, arts and cultural organisations
  • Advances in approaches to teaching digital tools and methods, including opportunities to embed such initiatives into academic programs
  • The role of GLAM and DH Labs in innovation and outreach initiatives
  • Lessons learned from organising educational and outreach events such as workshops, hackathons, interactive exhibitions, show-and-tells
  • Guidelines and best practices for effectively managing open educational resources for digital humanities and arts


  • Creating and using cultural heritage collections as data: workflows, checklists, tools
  • The reproducibility and repurposing of data, workflows, and lessons learned
  • The challenges involved in managing complex DH projects
  • Approaches to long-term sustainability and the longevity of digital humanities and arts projects, including digital preservation 
  • Best practices in tailoring Research Data Management (RDM) policies to the needs of the digital humanities and cultural heritage communities

The DHNB encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including the humanities, arts, the social sciences, and related fields. Professionals working in various sectors, such as cultural heritage, information and communications technology, and research software engineering, are encouraged to contribute and share their perspectives on working in an institutional setting within the digital humanities framework. The Program Committee welcomes and encourages submissions from early career researchers, new cultural heritage professionals and individuals who will be attending or presenting for the first time.


1 November 2023CfP opens
21 January 2024CfP (abstracts and full papers) closes
21 January – 15 February 2024CfP review period
15 February 2024Notifications issued
24 February 2024Deadline for submitting revised full papers and abstracts
25 February 2024Registration opens
26 April 2024Deadline for registering for the conference for all authors
1 May 2024Early bird deadline
15 May 2024Deadline for uploading posters
15 May 2024Registration closes
27-29 May 2024Pre-conference workshops 
29-31 May 2024Conference


As an interdisciplinary conference between traditions, the conference welcomes both abstract as well as full-text submissions in the following three categories:

Long papers | 20-minute presentations with a 10-minute Q&A

Must be submitted as either:

  • Abstract of 1000–2000 words excluding references, or
  • Full-text of 8–16 pages, including references
  • Must include 3-5 keywords.

Short papers | 10-minute presentations with a 5-minute Q&A

  • Abstract of 500–1000 words excluding references, or
  • Full-text of 4–8 pages, including references
  • Must include 3-5 keywords.

Posters and demos with accompanying a 1-minute lightning talk

  • Abstract of 250-500 words excluding references, or
  • Full-text of 2–4 pages, including references
  • Must include 3-5 keywords.

Between the proposal categories, the following conceptual divisions apply: for long papers, the work is expected to be substantial and robust, while short papers can also report on preliminary or tentative results, or on work that is still in progress. Poster papers can either be small self-contained works, or also general project descriptions. The programme committee also reserves the right to accept submissions in a category different from the one submitted in, so e.g. a long paper can be accepted to be presented as a short paper or as a poster in the poster session.

All full-text submissions must be formatted according to the DHNB PUB template, as they will be published in a citable conference proceedings collection (https://journals.uio.no/dhnbpub/index). The abstracts, on the other hand, will be gathered into a book of abstracts. After the conference, a separate call for post-proceedings will be issued, with its own deadlines for submissions, reviews and revisions. Additional information and instructions can be found on the DHNB website: https://dhnb.eu/publications/.

Apart from the individual paper submissions, the conference also accepts proposals for:

60 to 90-minute panels 

  • Must be submitted as an abstract of between 1000 and 2000 words (excluding references)
    • This must include outlines of individual contributions of 200-400 words
    • It must also include 200-word introduction outlining the panel’s overarching theme
  • Must include: title and panel description 
    • The name(s), contact details and organisational affiliation(s) of the panel proposer(s)
    • The name(s) of the panellists involved during the live session, and the moderator
    • Examples of the questions that will be discussed by the panellists
  • At least 25 minutes should be allocated to the discussion.

Half-day or full-day conference-themed workshops

  • Must be submitted as an abstract of between 500 and 1500 words
  • This must include information about the coordinator(s), format, target audience, anticipated number of participants, ideal length, and technical requirements
  • It must also include details about expected learning outcome(s)

Workshops can take many forms, from community hacking sessions to thematically focused mini-conferences attached to the main one, whose presentations are either pre-selected, or sourced through separate calls for proposals solicited by the workshop coordinators.

Half-day or full-day tutorials

  • These should  focus on tools, technologies, or practical exercises 
  • Must be submitted as an abstract of between 500 and 1500 words
  • This must include information about the coordinator(s), format, target audience, anticipated number of participants, ideal length, and technical requirements
  • It must also include details about expected learning outcome(s).


All proposals should be submitted in English via the ConfTool conference management system. In addition to following the submission-specific requirements outlined above, proposals should clearly state how they contribute to the advancement of topics related to the conference themes, how they relate to previous work (if applicable), and the potential impact they may have on the advancement of the field. All proposals should be accompanied by three to five keywords. 

Within the appropriate fields (author details and affiliations), submissions should include: name(s), contact details and the organisational affiliation of the author(s) along with the name(s) of presenters. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper. Participants can only be the first author (= presenter) of one paper at the conference and the second author/contributor of one additional paper (long paper, panel, or show-and-tell presentation). 

Anyone interested in submitting a proposal for the ad-hoc program, such as drop-in talks, lean coffee, or show-and-tell, can contact us at DHNB2024@hi.is.


Submitted proposals will undergo a single-blind peer-review process whereby the reviewers know the names/affiliations of the abstract authors and co-authors. Authors may be asked to make revisions before publication. The program committee will review all submissions and send out notifications of acceptance/rejection by 15 February

Authors will be asked to review their submissions before the publication.

For questions, please send an email to DHNB2024@hi.is

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