Baltic DH Forum

Digital Humanities in Latvia

Official event website:

Digital humanities have become a solid part of the research landscapes in the Baltic countries. Certainly, over the past decades, this transformation has been evident through the vibrant and enthusiastic DH communities, the emergence of new research groups and centers, and the increasing presence of digital humanities courses and programs in higher education. This marks the right time for the digital humanities communities of the three Baltic States to come together, to look at how and in what directions DH has developed in our countries, to reflect on what is relevant today and to project what lies ahead in the near future.

The Baltic DH Forum will take place for two days. The initial day will comprise three sessions featuring invited speakers from the Baltic DH research communities, Ministries, and prominent European digital humanities infrastructures, including CLARIN ERIC and DARIAH-EU. The second day is designed as a networking platform providing an opportunity to present DH projects, showcase developed digital resources and tools, and introduce educational initiatives. Additionally, the afternoon of the second day will host a series of workshops covering successful practices in collaborative projects, fundraising opportunities, and other relevant topics.

Participation in the forum with presentation is free of charge with coffee breaks, lunches, and a dinner provided.

To apply for participation in the Baltic DH Forum “Demonstration and Networking Session” (2nd Day), you are invited to submit an abstract of your presentation (200–250 words) in one of the following categories:

  • DH resource or tool
  • Project
  • Educational initiative, including training materials

Submissions are encouraged in diverse areas within digital humanities, including, but not limited to:

  • Computational linguistics and language technologies
  • Computational literature studies
  • Digital history and archaeology studies
  • Digital folklore studies and ethnography
  • Digital cultural heritage
  • Digital musicology
  • DH and endangered cultures and languages
  • Digital environmental humanities
  • Game studies and digital humanities
  • Citizen science and crowdsourcing

Submit your proposals here by January 25, 2024.

Applications will be peer-reviewed by the programme committee, with the main criterion being relevance to the field of digital humanities.

During the “Demonstration and Networking Session” each presenter is expected to give a brief pitch talk (approximately 5–7 minutes) to the plenary audience, followed by discussions at the poster hall.

After the Baltic DH Forum, participants will be offered an opportunity to prepare a peer-reviewed publication for a special issue of The Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, Scopus-indexed.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at or

Programme committee:
LV: Sanita Reinsone (ILFA*), Haralds Matulis (ILFA), Inguna Skadiņa (IMCS), Anda Baklāne (NLL), Ilze Auziņa (IMCS), Normunds Grūzītis (IMCS), Antra Kļavinska (RTA), Jānis Daugavietis (ILFA), Valts Ernštreits (UL LI)
LT: Andrius Utka (VDU), Costis Dallas (VU)
EE: Joshua Wilbur (UT)

Administrative support:
Viktorija Piščikova (NLL), Līva Ostupe (ILFA), Māris Bušs (UL DF), Māra Bičevska (UL DF), Elvīra Žvarte (ILFA), Ilze Ļaksa-Timinska (ILFA)

ILFA: Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia
IMCS: Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia
NLL: National Library of Latvia
RTA: Rēzekne Technology Academy
UL DF: University of Latvia Faculty of Computing
UL LI: University of Latvia Livonian Institute
UT: University of Tartu
VDU: Vytautas Magnus University
VU: Vilnius University


  • Language Technology Initiative, funded by the European Union and the National Development Plan.
  • "Towards Development of Open and FAIR Digital Humanities Ecosystem in Latvia,” implemented within the framework of the National Research Programme “Digital Humanities”. Project No:  VPP-IZM-DH-2022/1-0002

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