Research paper on curated ENB


A research article discussing the Estonian National Bibliography dataset and the creation of its curated version, titled Curated Bibliographic Data: The Case of the Estonian National Bibliography, has been published. The paper was featured in the Journal of Open Humanities Data that compiles works of researchers who make humanities data accessible, thus encouraging the reuse of the data. The authors of the article are Krister Kruusmaa, Peeter Tinits and Laura Nemvalts.

The article describes the nature and use of bibliographies in data science, focusing on the Estonian National Bibliography. It explains in detail the different stages of the curation workflow, which are 1) data extraction, 2) cleaning and harmonisation, and 3) enrichment. The potential uses of the dataset are introduced through three case studies, covering long-term publishing trends, changes in book publication places over time, and a historiographical analysis based on chronological keywords.

Visualisation of the curated ENB workflow.


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