
Estonian National Bibliography

This page discusses minimally cleaned and raw datasets. For data analysis, we recommend using the curated Estonian National Bibliography.

Books in Estonian

A subset of book metadata from the Estonian national bibliography. A subset of Estonian language books metadata from the ENB is accessible:

  • In Zenodo repository as a TSV file
  • As a ZIP file in MARC21XML format
  • Via the OAI-PMH protocol in MARC21XML format:
Dataset's distribution in time, language and topics

How to cite the dataset:

National Library of Estonia. (2023). Estonian National Bibliography – books in Estonian [Dataset].

Foreign language books

A subset of works in other languages than Estonian from the Estonian national bibliography. A subset of other language books metadata from the ENB is accessible:

  • In Zenodo repository as a TSV file
  • As a ZIP file in MARC21XML format
  • Via the OAI-PMH protocol in MARC21XML format:
Dataset's distribution in time, language and topics

How to cite the dataset:

National Library of Estonia. (2023). Estonian National Bibliography – foreign language books [Dataset].

Works in public domain

A subset of public domain works from the Estonian national bibliography. The metadata dataset of public domain works is accessible:

  • In Zenodo repository as a TSV file
  • As a ZIP file in MARC21XML format
  • Via the OAI-PMH protocol in MARC21XML format:
Dataset's distribution in time, language and topics

How to cite the dataset:

National Library of Estonia. (2023). Estonian National Bibliography – works in public domain [Dataset].

National Library of Estonia digital archive's metadata


The metadata of the books from DIGAR is accessible in different formats.

  • In the OSF repository as TSV and JSON files (NOTE: At the moment it is not possible to download the metadata via the links. The dataset can be obtained by writing to the Digilab team at
  • Via the OAI-PMH protocol in XML format:
Dataset's distribution in time, language and topics


The metadata of the standards from DIGAR is accessible in XML format via the OAI-PMH protocol:

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